The Storm Horns

The Storm Horns is a part of Connecting Area I and is highly connected. The High Raod, Ancient Trail, Overmoor Trail, Moonsea Ride and Way of the Dragon all pass through this area on their way through the world.

Whilst wondering around you won't find many aggressive mobs but there are some very dangerous ones just off this map in Orofin and the Anauroch Desert - be careful if you venture that way. Generally if you stay on this map it's safe for Newbies and above but stray off it and anyone les than a higher Chump will get beaten up and left for dead.

If you'd like to make a quick run to this zone, we recommend the following directions, starting at The Common in Shadowdale: 9sws3ws2w2s2w3sws5w2sws2w3sw.

  Map of the Storm Horns

              Anauroch Desert           Jt-Ft-Oo-Oo
                |           |           |     |
             Nc-Jt          At-Oo-Oo----Bt-So The Stonelands
             |  |           |           |                  |
      Orofin-Bt Bt-Oo-Ot-Oo-Jt          |     Shatter Peak |
                      |                 |           |      | 
                      |                 |  Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh--Rp-Desertmouth Mtns
                      |                 |  |  |     |      |               
                Fm-Fm-Fm-Fm-Fm    Sp-Ms-Sh-Sh Sh-Sh-Sh     Moonsea Ride
                |  |  |^ |  |     |  |  |  |     |            
                Fm-Fm-Fm-Fm-Fm    Sh-Sh-Sh Sm    Sm                    
                |  |  |     |     |  |  |  |     |                  
                Fm-Fm-Fm-Fm-Fm-Sh-Sh-Sh Ms |     Sea of Fallen Stars            
                |  |v |  |  |        |     |                         
                Fm-Fm-Fm-Fm-Fm       |    Kanok Eng                         
                      |              |                              
                 Crystal Lake  Hr-Hr-Hr-Hr-Nf-Hr-Hr-Nt-Hr-Hr-Hr-Hr-Moonsea Ride
                               |     |   ^          |               
                               Hr    Sh-Ab          Wd
                               |     |^             |                 
                   The High road  Sh-Sh             Wd                  
                                  |  |              |                 
                 The High road-Sk-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sa-Wo    Wd                     
                                  |  |  |  |        |                
                                  Sh-Sh Sh-Sh       Ge                       
                                  |  |              |                
                                  We Sh-Sh-Sh-Pr    Wd                
                                     |  |  |        |                
                                     Ld Sh-Rp       Wd                       
                                     |     |        |                  
                                     Br    Gf       Wd-Wd-Wd-Wd-Wd
                                     |     |                    |       
                   Mage Valley Entrance-Po-Gp                   Wd      
                                                          Wd-Wd-Wd.Moonsea Ride

  Key to the map of the Storm Horns

Ab- At the Base At- Along the trail
Bf- bend in a Forested Trail br- Before the Ravine
Bt- Bend in the Trail Ft- Further on the Trail
Ge- The Gates of Espar Gf- A Grassy Field
Gp- A Grassy Plain Hr- The High Road
Ip- In the Pines Jt- Jog in the trail
Lc- A Log Cabin Ld- A arge Descent
Mo- A Mountain Spring Ms- A Murky Swamp
Nc- Nomad Camp Nf- Near the Foretess of High Horn
Np- Narrow Pass Ns- Nearing Skull Crag
Nt- near the Town of Tyrluk Oo- Out on the Plain
Ot- On the Trail Pc- Pine Clearing
Po- A Small Pool Pr- A Pile of Rocks
Rp- A Rocky Plain Sa- A Small Hill
Sc- Small Clearing Sh- The Storm Horns
Sk- Skull Crag Sm- A Small Mountain
So- A Stone House Sp- A Small Pond
St- The Stonelands Wd- Way of the Dragon
We- The Waters Edge Wo- A Woodland Path
Wp- Wide Pass

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