Darkenwood is advertised as a zone for levels 1 to 20 but there are several mobs here that are much too tough for you at level 20. Put it this way, a 50/50/50 tri-class couldn't clear out one of the rooms on his own... The majority of the zone is filled with low level mobs that characters below level 10 will easity cope with. Once you enter the hill-giant and ogre's lair they get tougher. The key to the meat locker (Ml) is held by one of two guards. The locked door in the Kitchen (Ki) is opened with the big, greasy key that the cook holds. To enter the grove near the Circle of Standing Stones (Cs) you need a Spider Key from the phantom at the top of the Tower. To get to the tower you need to cross the Dark Lake. The map isn't that straight forward, I've marked the exits from each room with the room you'll go to if you take that exit. E.g. 2 4 | | 3-O1-* *-O2-3 | | Darkenwood 1Going north from room O1 will take you to room 02. ANy exit marked with a '*' will take you back to the room you started in, so in this example going east from 01 will take you back to 01! The toughest part of the zone is The Clearing of the Hags (Ch). There are a number of mages and druids in there that will assist each other if you attack. To get there you'll need to unlock the wall and 'open wall' to open a way east from the Sleeping Chamber of the Giant Chief (Sp). I couldn't find a key but knock worked just fine, I assume doorbash will too. Once there you'll find that you can goi east forever if you really want, you have to go east and west and east and west in the Long, Dark Passage (Lp) until you see an exit south. 'open stone' will open the way south and then you need to go all the way north to get to the Clearing. Coming back south is a lot quicker as you miss out half of the rooms! To unlock the rosewood box that Hecate has you need a Tiny silver key from an imp. If you'd like to make a quick run to this zone, we recommend the following directions, starting at The Common in Shadowdale: 9sws3ws2w2s2w3sws5w2sws2w3s6wswn3ws4wnwsw2n3w3nw5n2w n4wne3nw2n2wn.
Qd-Cr Ao \ | Pi Ib Br | | | Ch Si Tb-Cs-Sf /| | | | | On | Tp Ov-Sk-Cl \v | + Ed To the Dark Lake Ib Ba Da-Sd /| | / | | Ce | Ds Bh Bp-Ot \v | | | Lh Mu-Dk Pt-Mi-Mp-Df----Fp Ki+Pn /| | | | | | Lh | Dp-Dp-Gc Mf Nc-We-Ee Gd-Hh-Hd-Sh \v | | | | | Lp-Sc The Marshes Ft-Op-Mp-My-Ct-Ic Bd-Ha-Ng-St-Sl | | \ | Cm-Pp-Wt-Ne Be-Mt-Wf Ww Sr-Ha-Se-Ha-Sg | | | | Gt Gl Ef Ss-Gu-So-Sp+Dr-Ws-Or-Es>Lp>Lp-* | | | | \ / Di----Se-It-Co-Cv Nm Cy-Lh-Dv Lp | | | \ | Cp Gu+Ml Pg-We Sc | | Gr-Ca Po-Ia | | Lc-Gf-Dc Sm | TgThe Dark Lake 2 4 4 6 * 5 * | | | | | | | 3-O1-* *-O2-3 2-O3-5 *-O4-6 6-O5-4 Nh-O6-4 2-Nh-Ih | | | | | | | Darkenwood 1 1 * 7 * 6 2 3 To the Tower | | | 8-O7-Nh 5-O8-Bd Nh-Bd-6 | | | 4 6 3The Tower Tt / Sc / Bs / Dt / Bt | To | Pa | To the Dark Lake |
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