The Bestiary of Al-Qadir

The bestiary is full of monsters from one ancitnet tale or another. They vary in power from 3k experience fauns to 500k xp Rainbow Dragons, so look before you leap! In some areas you'll need to be able to fly or swim to move around. In one case if you're not flying you'll die if you enter the room (In the Air).

To the East of the Ivory Courtyard is a Secret Garden. In the same room 'open ivy' will open a secret passage to the Private Alcove (Pa). A hidden assassin awaits you there... There's also a hidden Flower nymph in the Beechwood Grove (Bg) and a hidden shaggy white yeti in the Snowy Peak (Sp).

The toughest creature in the zone is the Dragon in the Cloudbank (Cl). I managed to kill the dragon on my own but I certainly got a little lucky and protections helped me out a lot.

If you'd like to make a quick run to this zone, we recommend the following directions, starting at The Common in Shadowdale: 6s6wn2wn3wn6wn2wnwsw3n3ws12w4n6w.

  Map of the Bestiary

                           Eb-Port Miramor
   Bc-Es    Ey-Dg-Wb       |        Bg-Sc-Ff    Wc-Fh  
   |  |        |  |        |        |  |        |  |
   Cl-Es-Bw-Ia-Sr-Rs-If Pa-Ic-Sg Gm<Bg-Gr-Ug-Rh-Hv-Oh             
         |  |  |  |  |     |     |  |  |  |  |
         Bw Sp-Ap Rr If-Pp-Fo-Pp-Gm Th Sb-Df Wp            
                  |  |     |     |  |       
                  Rs-If    Gz    Wf-Vf
            Oa    Dd-Ar    |     Ss-Sh    
            |     |  |     |     |  |      
            Pe-Bp Lv Ba-Pp-Su-Pp-Se Sh Sh-Ow             
            |  |  |  |           |  |  |  | \
            Bs-Lv-Lv-Ba          Ss-Sh-Si-Ri Sv       
            |  |  |                 |  |  | 
            Sw-Sw-Dd                Dw-Dw-Ow        

  Key to the Map of the Bestiary

Ap- Ascending the Peak Ar- Arid Region
Ba- Barren Plain Bc- Billowing Clouds
Bg- Beechwood Grove Bp- Barren Plateau
Bs- Black Sand Bw- Bourne by the Wind
Cl- A Cloudbank Dd- Drifing Dunes
Df- Deep Forest Dg- Deep Gorge
Dw- Deepening Waters Eb- Entrance to the Bestiary
Es- Endless Sky Ey- the Eyrie
Ff- Fallow Field Fh- Flowering Heath
Fo- The Fountain Gm- Grassy Meadow
Gr- The Greenwood Gz- The Gazebo
Ia- In the Air Ic- Ivory Courtyard
If- In the Foothills Lv- Lava Bed
Oa- Oasis Oh- On a Hillside
Ow- On the Waves Pa- Private Alcove
Pe- Parched Earth Pp- Pillared Pathway
Rh- Rolling Hills Ri- Rocky Isle
Rs- Rugged Slope Sb- Stand of Birch Trees
Sc- Small Clearing Se- Seashore
Sg- Secret Garden Sh- Shallow Waters
Si- Silver Strand Sp- Snowy Peak
Sr- Steep Ravine Ss- Sandy Shoal
Su- Sunny Patch Sv- Sea Cave
Sw- Sandy Wastes Th- Tangled Thicket
Ug- Under the Greenwood Trees Vf- Verdant Field
Wb- Windblown Buff Wc- Wooded Copse
Wf- Wildflower Path Wp- Woodland Pool

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