Search Results

34 matches found to the given parameters.

Barbed scimitar    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 3d5   Hit bonus +3   Dam bonus +3
   Effects: Hit-regen +5, Armor -5.
   Comments: This scimitar glows, is metallic, magical, LIMITED and RARE. Its starts of cursed but, if wielded gives it's user immunity to poison. This item can't be wielded by a good player nor a mage, cleric, monk or barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Black Splintmail    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Bodywear
   Armor Class -25   AC-apply 7
   Effects: None.
   Comments: The splintmail is metallic, magical and LIMITED. This item can't be used by a neutral player nor a mage, druid, monk, barbarian or psionist. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Black buckler    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Shield
   Armor Class -7   AC-apply 4
   Effects: None.
   Comments: This shield is metallic and magical. This item can't be used by a good player nor a barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Black chainmail vest    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Bodywear
   Armor Class -20   AC-apply 5
   Effects: None.
   Comments: This chain mail is metallic, magical and LIMITED. This item can only be used by an evil player but not a mage, paladin, barbarian or ranger. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Black handled dagger    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 2d4 vs small, 2d3 vs. large   Hit bonus +1   Dam bonus +1
   Effects: None.
   Comments: The dagger is magical, metallic and LIMITED. This item can only be wielded by a mage or thief. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Black leather armor    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Bodywear
   Armor Class -10   AC-apply 3
   Effects: None.
   Comments: The armor is organic and magical. This item can't be used by a mage, cleric, druid, paladin, ranger or psionist. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Black leather boots    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Footwear
   AC-apply 2
   Effects: Sneak +20.
   Comments: These boots are organic, magical and RARE. This item can only be used by a monk or thief. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Black short sword    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 3d2 vs. small, 3d3 vs. large   Hit bonus +1   Dam bonus +1
   Effects: None.
   Comments: This short sword is mineral and magical. This item can't be wielded by a good player nor a mage or cleric. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Black steel leg plates    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Legwear
   Armor Class -10   AC-apply 5
   Effects: Kick +10.
   Comments: These leggings are metallic, magica and LIMITED. This item can't be used by a neutral player nor a mage, druid, monk, paladin, barbarian or psionist. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Bloody axe    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 4d4   Hit bonus +3   Dam bonus +3
   Effects: Dex -2.
   Comments: This axe is organic, magical, LIMITED and RARE. it gives the wielder resistance to drain. This item may only be wielded by male players but not a mage, cleric, barbarian or thief. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Bloody red robes    Updated for SD3
   Object type: About
   AC-apply 7
   Effects: Mana +3, Saving all -2, Spellfail -5.
   Comments: This cloak is organic, magical and LIMITED. This item can only be used by an evil player and only a cleric. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Crusher    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 5d3   Hit bonus +2   Dam bonus +2
   Effects: Dex by -2, Armor by +5.
   Comments: This flail glows and hums with power. It is metallic, magical and RARE, with a rent cost of 3000 gold. This item can only be wielded by a cleric, warrior, paladin, ranger or psionist. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Dark black cloak    Updated for SD3
   Object type: About
   Armor Class -8   AC-apply 4
   Effects: Hit-regen +5.
   Comments: The cloak is organic, magical and LIMITED. This item can't be used by a good player nor a mage, paladin, barbarian or ranger. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Forest green cloak    Updated for SD3
   Object type: About
   Armor Class -5   AC-apply 4
   Effects: Wis +1, Sneak +5, Hunt +5.
   Comments: This cloak is organic, magical and LIMITED. This item can't be used by an evil player. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Glases of divining    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Eyewear
   Effects: None.
   Comments: The glasses are organic, magical, blessed, RARE and LIMITED. This item gives the user spell-affect detect good, detect evil, sense life and true sight.This item can't be used by a neutral player nor a barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Glowing blade    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 2d5 vs. small, 2d6 vs. large   
   Effects: Armor -5, Mana +5.
   Comments: This long sword is metallic, magica and LIMITED. This item can't be wielded by an evil player nor a cleric, monk or barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Grey potion    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Potion
   Comments: This potion is mineral, magical and brittle. This item gives the user spell-affect sanctuary and blindess.This item can't be used by a barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Hard leather armor    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Bodywear
   Armor Class -25   AC-apply 5
   Effects: None.
   Comments: This armor is organic, magical and LIMITED. This item can't be used by a mage, monk or barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Jeweled bracelet    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Bracelet
   Effects: Mana +5, Str +1, Hitroll +1.
   Comments: The bracelet is magical and LIMITED. This item can't be used by an evil player nor a monk, paladin, barbarian or thief. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Jeweled candelabra    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Held
   Effects: int +1, Saving all by -3, Spellfail -15.
   Comments: The candelabra glows, is metallic, magical, RARE and LIMITED. The candelabra is a light source. This item can't be used by an evil player nor a barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Mantle of Ettersia    Updated for SD3
   Object type: About
   Armor Class -15   
   Effects: Mana-regen +10, damroll +1.
   Comments: This cloak glows, is organic, magical, blessed, RARE and LIMITED. This item can only be used by a good player and only a mage or warrior. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Pointy shard of bone    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 3d3 vs small, 3d2 vs large   Hit bonus +2   Dam bonus +1
   Effects: Sneak by +5, backstab by +5.
   Comments: The shard is a dagger. It is magical, organic and LIMITED. This item can't be wielded by a cleric or barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Rose quartz ring    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Rings
   AC-apply 10
   Effects: None.
   Comments: The ring is mineral. This item can only be used by a barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Round black shield    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Shield
   Armor Class -10   AC-apply 5
   Effects: None.
   Comments: This medium shield is metallic, magical and LIMITED. This item can't be used by a neutral player nor a mage, druid, monk, barbarian or psionist. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Rounded mace    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 3d4 vs. small, 3d3 vs. large   Hit bonus +2   Dam bonus +2
   Effects: None.
   Comments: This mace is metallic, magical and LIMITED. This item can't be wielded by an evil player nor a mage, monk, barbarian or thief. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Shiny steel breastplate    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Bodywear
   Armor Class -15   AC-apply 9
   Effects: None.
   Comments: This breastplate is metallic, magical and LIMITED. This item can't be used by an evil player nor a mage, monk, barbarian, thief or psionist. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Silver dagger    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 3d4 vs. small, 3d3 vs. large   
   Effects: Saving vs Paralysis +1, move-regen +10, hit points +1.
   Comments: The dagger is metallic, magical and LIMITED. This item can't be wielded by an evil player nor a cleric or barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Smith's hammer    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 3d5 vs. small, 3d4 vs. large   Hit bonus +3   Dam bonus +3
   Effects: Str +1.
   Comments: This hammer is metallic, magical, blessed, RARE and LIMITED. This item can't be wielded by a mage, druid, monk, barbarian or thief. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Spiked mace    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 3d5 vs. small, 3d4 vs. large   Hit bonus +3   Dam bonus +3
   Effects: Hit-regen +5.
   Comments: This mace is metallic, magical, RARE and LIMITED. This item can't be wielded by an evil player nor a mage, monk, barbarian or thief. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Steel tipped whip    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 6d2 vs. small, 6d1 vs. large   Hit bonus +3   Dam bonus +3
   Effects: Dex +1.
   Comments: This whip is metallic, magical, RARE and LIMITED. This item can't be wielded by a neutral player nor a mage, druid, monk, barbarian or psionist. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Sword of the Vale    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 3d4 vs. small, 3d5 vs. large   Hit bonus +4   Dam bonus +4
   Effects: Dex +2.
   Comments: This long sword is metallic, magical, RARE and LIMITED. This item gives the weapon spell-affect detect evil.This item can only be wielded by a good player but not a mage, monk, barbarian or psionist. You can find this item in Ettersia.

Unholy spiked censer    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Weapon
   Damage 1d4   Hit bonus +4   
   Effects: None.
   Comments: This flail is magical, RARE and LIMITED. This item gives the weapon spell-affect flamestrike.This item can only be wielded by an evil player and only a cleric. You can find this item in Ettersia.

White gaming dice    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Held
   Effects: Dex +2.
   Comments: The dice are magical. This item can't be used by a barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

White lacy brassiere    Updated for SD3
   Object type: Bodywear
   Armor Class -30   
   Effects: Chr +3.
   Comments: This bra is magical, RARE and LIMITED. This item can't be used by a barbarian. You can find this item in Ettersia.

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